JA in a Day: 1st - 5th Grade at Bishop Elementary School
Featuring: JA Our Families
JA Our Families® explains how family members' jobs and businesses contribute to the well-being of the family and of the community. The learning experience introduces the concept of needs and wants and explores the ways families plan for and acquire goods and services. Students analyze their own skills to determine ways they can support their families. (Grade 1) The learning experience includes five 30-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.
Featuring: JA Our Nation
JA Our Nation® provides practical information about the need for employees who can meet the demands of the 21st century job market, particularly high-growth, high-demand jobs. Students will understand the skills, especially in science, technology, engineering, and math, that will make their futures brighter. (Grade 5) JA Our Nation offers flexible implementation options to meet the needs of students and teachers in a variety of use cases. It includes five 45-minute sessions and one optional supplemental session, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.
Featuring: JA Our Region
JA Our Region® introduces students to entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurs use resources to produce goods and services in a region. Students operate a hypothetical hot dog stand to understand the fundamental tasks performed by a business owner and to track the revenue and expenses of a business. (Grade 4) JA Our Region offers flexible implementation options to meet the needs of students and teachers in a variety of use cases. It includes five 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.
Featuring: JA Our City
JA Our City® introduces third-grade students to financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and grade-level social studies learning objectives, including how people manage their money and the importance of economic exchange within a city. (Grade 3) LEARNING EXPERIENCE HIGHLIGHTS -- A flexible model designed to support multiple learning environments -- Five 45-minute sessions -- Experiential, engaging in-class activities that support learning objectives, including digital and physical board games, mapping activities, and role-plays -- School-to-home activities that extend the lessons from the classroom to students’ families and their own communities -- Elementary-appropriate content in financial literacy with entrepreneurship woven throughout -- A fun sing-along video to get students up and moving in the classroom, while reinforcing financial literacy concepts.
Featuring: JA Our Community
JA Our Community® uses posters and games to offer practical information about businesses and the many jobs those businesses offer in a community. Students explore production methods through a simulation game, and they learn about taxes, decision making, and how money flows in an economy. (Grade 2) This volunteer-led, kit-based learning experience is available for classroom-based or remote classroom implementation. It includes five 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.
Event Completed!
When: Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Hand in Hand A-1 - Ourselves - What is a community
Hand in Hand B-1 - Families - What is a family
Hand in Hand B-2 - Families - Our cities
Hand in Hand C-1 - Community - Citizens and Community
Hand in Hand C-2 - Community - Businesses and Government
Hand in Hand D-1 - Our City - Banking and Money
Hand in Hand D-2 - Our City - Owning a business
Hand in Hand E-1 - Our Region - How to be an entrepreneur
Hand in Hand E-2 - Our Region - Entrepreneurs solve problems
Tarrant County Leaders Talk About JA Impact
Your Support Matters!
Junior Achievement of the Chisholm Trail needs your support to provide programming so we can inspire our youth to succeed in a global economy. You may show your support by volunteering virtually or in a classroom, sponsoring an event, sponsoring a JA Finance Park Virtual store front and judging for JA Company program competitions. The most important part to impacting the future leaders of Tarrant County is inspiring students. Connections with our partners are critical to the success of our children and the hope of a brighter tomorrow. Can we count on you to part of the solution? Thank you in advance for your support.
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